CJ & Andrea
Kristen's shower
I also received an email thank you from Caitlin for her bridal shower gift. I love that she's using email as a way for accessibility for all.
I have officially figured out what I'm wearing for the both of the upcoming June weddings. I also found nail polish and jewelry for them!
Accessories for Kevin and Kristen's wedding:
New York & Co.
Nicole "One Voice" (fingers)
Essie "Where's My Chauffeur" (toes)
And for Caitlin and Anthony's wedding:
New York & Co.
China Glaze "Concrete Catwalk" (fingers)
Essie "Where's My Chauffeur" (toes)
That's all I have so far. Next weekend I'll be posting the rundown of Kevin and Kristen's wedding! Stay tuned!