Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Volunteer State

I've been talking to Natasha today, asking her about the wedding to help her plan as well as send her the Russell and Hazel planner. They have a date and a ceremony venue already: August 9, 2014 at Lars's homestead church in Bluff City, Tennessee! It's the first wedding that Matt and I will be traveling (further than a drive) for! That makes three weddings next year, with two in the summer! Thankfully, they're a little more spaced than the two we had this summer!

Monday, July 29, 2013

At Last!

One of my very best friends has finally proposed! Lars asked Natasha to marry him earlier today which has a kind of funny back story. Last weekend, Matt and I went to visit them in North Carolina, along with our other friend, Greg, and his girlfriend, Alanna. We spent quite a bit of the weekend ragging on Lars for not having proposed yet and asking him when he was. Meanwhile, he already has a ring and is planning on proposing! He played it completely cool!

I am so happy for these two, Natasha is a very lucky girl and Lars is lucky to have her! More details to come as soon as I know them!